Friday, December 20, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, December 13, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, December 6, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, November 22, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, November 15, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, November 8, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, November 1, 2024
2 Minutes! Go!
Friday, October 25, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, October 18, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, October 11, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, October 4, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, September 27, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, September 20, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, September 13, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, September 6, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, August 30, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
John woke up covered in sweat, ice-cold from the breeze coming through an open window. There was a brief (too brief) moment of confusion and loss. It was a comfortable empty space he could inhabit, but it never lasted long. The conscious brain would do what conscious brains do. John often woke up cursing the fact that he was sentient. Once the brain woke up, there was no stopping it. It would do as it desired.
There were reasons John woke up this way, but he was also stuck in a pattern. It was a pattern he didn’t know how to get out of, so he tried not to think about it. He just dealt with the side-effects and fallout. The fallout was often so ugly that it sent him right back into circling death. Like a vulture.
John rolled out of bed. Literally. It was the way he always got up because it allowed him to maintain contact with the bed for a few more seconds. This postponed the misery that was making coffee, showering, trying to eat and failing. He would eventually go, like every day, to the office he couldn’t stand where he made just enough money not to qualify for food stamps. Except on Saturday and Sunday, when he started drinking as soon as his eyes opened.
Taxes were a bitch but he didn’t think about them. He tried not to think of his money as money. He thought of it as a buffer between him and the streets and, as long as he had enough of it, he didn’t concern himself too much about it. There were even days where a life on the streets seemed exciting, preferable to daily grind which paid his bills and kept his belly full of overly-sweet, processed foods.
John figured there was cancer growing in him, some malignant force that was rotting him from the inside out. Sometimes, he thought of the microplastics that probably swirled around the cancerous cells. Sometimes, he was terrified. Sometimes, it made him laugh - how we traded inconvenience for cancer. And then cancer proved to be pretty damn inconvenient.
The heart attack was something he worried about off and on, but never really expected. At first, he wrote off the pain in his chest as heartburn. The pain in his arm as having been slept on wrong. As the minutes passed, however, John realized that his heart was giving up. He was surprised that there was no panic. He had no desire to call for an ambulance. Instead, he made himself a drink and went back to bed. He would be fired, but it didn’t matter.
Firing don’t harm corpses much.
The sun rose because that is what the sun does. Birds sang. Busses ran. No one mourned the loss of John except the homeless man who took bottles out of his recycling. He was momentarily sad, and not just about the lost revenue. He knew that a man had lost his battle. There was peace in that, but also regret. Wasted life is like a rotten tomato dying on the vine, sickly green and bitter beneath the obnoxious brightness of its red skin.
Friday, August 23, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, August 9, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
The day was cold and fraught with misery. The boys were freezing, and that was new to them. They were innocent to many things in the world, and the chill was part of that. They were boys who had grown up with tropical heat pounding ambition out of them. Most of them wanted nothing more than a beach, a good woman, and a full belly. Instead, they got "encouraging" words that discouraged them from dreaming of anything beyond the cold expanse in front of them.
There were few among them who still harbored dreams of glory. They were the dumb ones. In peacetime, they had appeared weak, but in war they were strong. They did not have the rationality to realize their folly. These boys died with smiles on their faces, and it made most of us sick to our stomachs.
As the sun rose, one of the younger boys slipped away from the group. We would never find his body. Most of us believed he was dead. Some believed that he had gone to a great reward. Most realized that he had just had enough. Of the war. Of the cold.
So, he left.
JD #2 Be careful what you wish for; be careful what you want. The candy that looks so good might not taste so sweet. That girl you're in love with might be a sociopath or, even worse, a Disney Adult. That guy you're intrigued by could be a closet racist, whether or not he is hot. The green grass looks nice, but you can't tell everything just by looking. Might be sawgrass. Might be a bog. Hell, sometimes you see water in the desert when there is nothing there. There might be broken glass in the grass. You might fall and cut your ass in the grass. Keeping up with the Jones' is an alright strategy if the Joneses never change, but they will, and you will have to keep keeping up, even when you don't want to. Even when it seems impossible. You should probably just become a hermit. It works for some people. It wouldn't work for me, though. I would have to be alone with my own thoughts, and there ain't enough liquor in the world to deal with that. I know. I tried.
Friday, August 2, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, July 19, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, July 12, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, July 5, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, June 28, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, June 21, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, June 7, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, May 31, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, May 24, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Bones splinter. That's a fact. The older you are, the more likely it is. You ever seen a chicken bone splinter? It's a lot like that but it's inside your body. You can hear the snap. You can feel the hot fire. You are overwhelmed by the body's warning system going haywire.
Wounds heal, but they leave a mark. You can collect them. Myself, I am a patchwork of scars and badly mended bone. I am held together with duct tape. A strong breeze might scatter what remains of me.
Inflicting wounds is a different story. I've done it. I've been there. I think I felt worse than the wounded. My words can be fierce, but, inside, there is a scared kid who never figured out how to stop being scared all the time. He just wants everyone to be happy and to stop yelling.
Some people can rationalize themselves the hero in every situation. I assign myself the villain role. Even when it is not my fault - even when I'm right. I was programmed to manage my emotions with guilt and shame. It has proven to be hard to shake off.
I wound myself. That's the saddest part. So many of my wounds have been self-inflicted. I always feel like being punished. I have taken stupid chances. I have dared death to take me, and I have been to the precipice. Believe me. I've been one wrong step, one wrong swallow, and one scraped footpeg away from it. I'm not afraid of it.
I have that going for me.
It has gotten complicated though. I'm old now, and I don't like to be hurt. I don't like to wake up remembering all the dumb shit I did. All the times I treated my body like it was indestructible. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, always. Gotta be some cancer in there somewhere. Or some kind of internal damage that is waiting for an opportune moment. I'd go the doctor and find out, but I have medical insurance through my job, so I can't afford any tests that would reveal anything. The insurance is just for show.
Maybe that's the worst part. I don't like surprises, and I know a big one is waiting just around the corner. When it happens, I hope my family can move on with hope and love. I hope the medical insurance company burns to the ground, too. But mostly, I worry about my wife and kids.
I deserve to suffer for my sins.
They don't.
Friday, May 17, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, May 10, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, May 3, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
They said it would never happen to you, and you believed them. That’s a shame. Critical thinking skills matter. You gotta be able to do your own sniff test. That’s part of life. Problem is, some people don’t. Some people can’t. Some people need to be led to every thought they have. Some people just really need a daddy to tell them how to think, feel, react - or they think they do.
I’m not a perfect person, but I've never trusted what I was told without thinking about it. Still don’t. I live in a country where the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment happened. I live in a country where bison were exterminated. Because meat. Because hides. But also because it fucked with indigenous people and their ability to live autonomously. All those things can be true at the same time. And you don’t have to take my word for it. Think about it. It fits a pattern. Decide for yourself.
I’m not looking for disciples. Never have been. I hate it when people kiss my ass or accept what I say at face value. That shows lack of engagement. That shows apathy. That shows a craving for simplicity, and I know that life is not simple - only simple people think it is.
One of the reasons that punk rock meant so much to me as a young man was that it was a community full of people questioning everything, rebelling against any authority that was strictly for authority’s sake. That shit was church for me, finally surrounded by people who thought like me.
So, maybe it’s hard sometimes, but it is the only thing that can save you. Unless you want to be spoon fed. If that’s the case, there are plenty of people out there with spoons and questionable intentions.
Open your mouth as wide as you can. Try to ignore the taste.
Friday, April 26, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, April 19, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, April 5, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, March 29, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, March 22, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, March 15, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
Friday, March 8, 2024
2 Minutes. Go!
The cool of the evening settles on the valley. Day animals burrow and nestle and scurry in for the evening, while the night animals sharpen their claws. The sky is clouded, and the night is made for deception. The shadow sounds move swiftly, and they do not follow the rules that light enforces. It is night. Night is death. Death is coming.
This is the cycle, and it is what you make of it. Depending on your resources, this is bounty or famine. You may test your mettle against the night. That is part of what the night is for. But, be careful.
If you are lucky enough to see the sun rise, put food in your belly. Hope that the sun comes out. Let your full belly sit in the sun and be alive. This is what the sun is for. This is what the full belly is for.
This is why you come to the light.