Friday, July 19, 2024

2 Minutes. Go!

I'm just taking care of business. I've got the patent, and I won't stand idly by and watch you make the same mistakes over and over. Have you been taking your B vitamins? Have you been doing your sun salutations? Have you taken a moment today to bond with your gratitude today?

There are some things that Apple Cider Vinegar won't fix, and you don't want them. It's about your chakras. It's magnetic. Your mood is controlled by the moon. Your menstrual cycles are communion. Blood of my blood. 

Flesh of my flesh.

Open a vein and let your life force flow into their waiting mouths. They are thirsty. Thirsting. They are dying to be immortal. They will sacrifice anything. Compromise is their poison.

This is capitalism. Like it or not, this is the only way we can be free. The billionaires are looking out for everybody. Just not monetarily. They're looking after a future us that doesn't exist and probably never will. 

Check your copyright. Make sure everything is on the up and up. Throw some raw meat to the lawyers and enjoy your American Dream. Bitter like coffee. 

No cream.

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