Hannigan sat his elbows on the old, wooden bar. He could see himself through the amber bottles. His beard was full. Grey. He looked like Santa Claus. A starving Santa Claus. He smiled at his friend Mick behind the bar. Mick splashed another dose of Jameson’s into his glass.
Shannon Arms was crowded. Saturday night, so the college kids were there.
Hannigan sighed and threw back the whiskey in front of him. It went down
smoothly and landed with a thump in his subconscious.
was trying to ignore the argument going on at one of the tables. Everyone was
trying to ignore it. It was getting harder. Hannigan craned his neck and got a
quick glimpse of them in the mirror. Young. They were in their mid-twenties –
maybe. The girl was dressed far too fancy for an old Irish bar. The boy was
dressed in jeans and a wrinkled shirt. The kind you have professionally
wrinkled. He oozed money. And he was getting louder.
think you’re something, you stupid
bitch? You’re nothing. After tonight, I will never see you again. And you won’t
see me.”
voice was soft.
not over … I’ll …”
laugh was mean-spirited, an elbow to the ribs. He smiled at his friends leaning
on a booth.
over when I say it’s over, whore. I go back to my mansion, and you can go back
to sucking dick at the club, and it will be like none of this ever happened.
You’re nothing. You’re trash. I should never have associated with someone like
you. You’re nothing but a gold-digging bitch. And that’s all you’ll ever be.”
felt the eyes on him. The regulars at the bar knew. He could also feel his jaw
muscles tightening. Ah, well … another resolution broken. He flexed his fingers
and stood up slowly. He was not a huge man, but his arms were knots of muscle.
He was wearing work pants and an old plaid shirt. His face was not like Santa’s
he saw Hannigan, the boy looked up and smirked. Hannigan forced a smile. He was
a big kid. He looked strong. He smelled
strong. Like expensive cologne and money.
girl had a gentle plea dancing in the corners of her eyes. The boy was like so
many Hannigan had known. He was what happened when you never have to work. When
everything is given to you and life is a continual party. He was gym-strong,
but his hands looked soft.
evening, old man. Very polite. Now,
please go back into your alcoholic hole, you old fuck.”
Hannigan felt the surge and smiled
a little.
here’s the thing, lad. This is my bar … our bar. My brothers on the rail and I consider this
place home. We don’t like people disrespecting our home. And I sure as hell
don’t like hearing someone talk to a woman like that. I sure don’t.”
boy stood up. He was several inches taller than Hannigan and broad shouldered.
His skin was baby pink.
are no women here. Just some old, drunk
bitches and this whore I fed for a little while. I’m done with her now … as I
was just explaining … she’s used up. She’s only fit for niggers and old faggots
like you, now.”
looked into the boy’s blue eyes. Every muscle in his body ached for blood. He
looked through the boy’s eyes and saw
the privilege, the things that had been given to him. Things he did not
deserve. Things that had turned him into a parasite. There was complete silence
in the bar. Hannigan broke it.
the fuck did you just say, faggot?”
said ‘touch me’ … push me, punch me, slap me … whatever it is that pathetic,
pussy little rich boys like you do. Do it. Now.”
punch was loopy and wide, but Hannigan didn’t duck. He took it on the cheek and
smiled at the boy. Then he drove a straight right into the boy’s face. It sent
him sliding across the bar floor. He stood up slowly. Hannigan’s hands were by
his side. The boy adopted a boxer’s stance and grimaced hate through his bloody
just made the biggest mistake of your life, old man.”
boy charged and Hannigan waited until just the right second to step aside.
Momentum carried the boy almost to the door. He stood up fuming, laughter
pounding in his ears. He reached for the holster at the small of his back, but
someone behind him neatly plucked the gun from his hand. He stood, confused for
a moment, then he charged again.
time Hannigan planted his feet and put everything he had into another straight right.
Then a left jab. Then an uppercut that knocked the boy over a table. He stood
up unsteadily.
don’t have to keep this going … you can apologize and leave. We’ll make sure
the lass gets home.”
boy blinked and shook his head. His nose was swollen and blood streamed down
his face.
grabbed the girl roughly by the arm and pulled her up. Hannigan’s grip on his
forearm was a vise. The boy’s friends were starting to look around nervously.
wasn’t one of your options, son.”
kick surprised Hannigan. His ankle buckled a bit, but it surprised him more
than anything. He’d given the boy a chance. A chance he was too stupid to take.
thick, rough fist that wasn’t holding
onto the boy’s forearm smashed him in the ear. Blood began to trickle out.
Hannigan grabbed the front of the designer shirt and hammered six hard lefts
into the kid’s stomach. He let go and the boy fell – conscious, but unable to
stand. Hannigan lifted him off the floor with one hand.
know talking is going to be hard for a while. Hopefully, you can listen. You
don’t talk to a woman – any woman – the
way you spoke to this pretty girl here. And you don’t ever come back here. This
is my bar. Your friends, who did
an excellent job watching you get your ass beat, by the way, can drag you out.
Next time I see you, the paramedics will take you out.”
a shove, Hannigan sent the boy sailing toward his friends. They held him up.
They obviously did not know what to do. Hannigan took a step toward them, and
they all flinched. Then they dragged their blood-soaked friend out of the
swinging doors.
looked at the young girl.
you need help?”
stood silently, looking at Hannigan with wide eyes. Then, she picked up her
purse and left. Hannigan went back to his bar stool and sat down. There was a
fresh drink waiting, and Mick was smiling.
was a good one, you old mucker. You think it’ll take?”
you done good, mate. Adds a little excitement to the evening.”
old shit.”
He drank his drink and took the
towel-wrapped ice cubes for his knuckles. An hour later it seemed like a dream.
Then, it was.
dream was nonsensical, but vivid. Beneath the veil of color and noise, he could
see himself. There was a haze of cigarette smoke … faces, blurry, floated
through the miasma. He could see himself, but he didn’t recognize.
Hannigan in the dream was scared. His shoulders were slumped. He looked tired,
like he was reaching for a rope and falling short. He was lifeless.
were shuffling sounds from somewhere. Then the world tilted, and he was looking
into a face he had only seen a few times, the first time when Matt had beaten
him in the alley. The last time when he had stood on Bernal Hill and watched a
man die: the man who had killed Matt’s father. Still, he could see the face
clear as day. Matt Stark. He did not look afraid. He looked like he was carved
from stone. Then everything turned a very blood red. Hannigan opened his eyes
and saw Mick smiling at him.
dreaming of the devil, mate?”
… nah, mate. Dreaming of a good friend. Why?”
were shaking and twitching something awful.”
looked around him and saw a clean, empty bar. He looked at the clock. 3 a.m.
Sorry, mate … I must be getting old. What do I owe ya?”
you haven’t paid a hundred times over.”
smiled, rapped a sore knuckle on the bar, and headed for the door.
fog had set in, and the air was cool. It took the edge off the hangover that
had been steadily building. He looked at the sky. He thought about the dream
and shrugged it off. He flexed his aching hands and cursed.
saw a quarter on the ground and stooped to pick it up. Then, screeching tires,
and a bus stop exploded behind him, scattering glass. Hannigan hit the ground
hard and rolled. He saw the back of a red corvette just as it rounded the
corner. Then, Mick was beside him.
the fuck was that, mate?!”
got me, Mick …”
know who it was?”
judging by the phallic nature of the car in question, I could take a guess.”
call the cops, mate … come back inside.”
stood up and dusted himself off.
brother. Thanks. If that was him, the bar needs no part of it. I’d guess he’s
tonight, maybe.”
… never can tell about these kinds of things.”
didn’t tell Mick that he wanted to be alone. He had been fighting his whole
life, but he had never been shot at. Until now. He looked at the bus stop,
pulled his collar up and walked home.
next day, there was a call to The Shannon Arms. A warning. Get lost or get
dead. The rich boy had enough money to get it done. He had said as much.
Hannigan thought long and hard, and then he did the only thing he could think
of: he kissed his wife, went to the post office, and then got himself lost. He
found a furnished apartment in Daly City and started drinking.
Hannigan's Fight is the sequel to The Biker. They don't have to be read in order, but it wouldn't hurt. The Biker is also available in paperback HERE. Thanks for your support!
Hannigan's Fight is the sequel to The Biker. They don't have to be read in order, but it wouldn't hurt. The Biker is also available in paperback HERE. Thanks for your support!
Awesome. It is so good.
ReplyDeleteThanks homie!